K-Obiol EC25: The Essential Pre-Harvest and Silo Hygiene Solution

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The Problem:

  • Insect infestations in silos lead to massive losses for South African farmers.
  • Pre-harvest pests can devastate yields and contaminate stored grain.
  • Poor silo hygiene creates an ideal environment for insect breeding.

The Solution: K-Obiol EC25

K-Obiol EC25 is a powerful insecticide specifically designed for pre-harvest and silo protection. This advanced formula offers superior control over:

  • Grain weevils
  • Flour beetles
  • Sawtoothed grain beetles
  • And more

Key Benefits

  • Long-lasting protection: One application provides months of defense against infestation.
  • Safe on grain: Won't affect your harvest quality or germination rates.
  • Versatile: Use as a pre-harvest spray, direct grain treatment, or silo surface treatment.

Why Pre-Harvest and Hygiene Matter

  • Up to 30% of stored grain can be lost to pests each year. 
  • Infestations reduce grain value and marketability.
  • Contaminated grain poses health risks.
You can find more info on Agri SA

Protect your grain

A testimony on how K-Obiol can solve your problem of pest infestation

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K-Obiol EC 25

Emulsifiable Concentrate

An emulsifiable concentrate containing a residual contact...

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